Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Meditation & Awareness - 15 Tips to Get More From Your Spiritual Discipline

Meditation is one of the most important spiritual disciplines.
The benefits of regular meditation are numerous, too many
to list, yet peace of mind is one of the greatest.

Here are some of the meditation tips we recommend in
our Psychic/Meditative State Script.

*Try meditating on an empty stomach or at a different
time of day.

*Try it after a hot bath or shower.

*Try it after exercise.

*Try it after sex or instead of sex when in the

*Try relaxing music. Experiment with different kinds
to test which works best for you.

*Try no music.

*Try listening to our Let Go recording
( )
which utilizes brain-mind technology to effortlessly
guide you into a meditative state.

*Try aromatherapy. Open a window when burning
incense or candles indoors to vent any toxic fumes.
Try rubbing a dab of pure scented oil on the back of
your hands or on your neck. The scent will relax you
and help you focus.

*Avoid all drugs. Even "just" marijuana "only once in a
while" hinders intuition and clouds your mind for weeks

*Try meditating with someone you love or with a group
of friends. The combined energy will help you go deeper.

*You may be sensitive to something you're eating or
drinking. Pick a day and eat lightly, perhaps about half
of what you usually do. Consume what you know will
be easy to digest, such as lightly steamed vegetables.
You should be able to focus more easily provided you
feel lighter and more alert.

*Avoid sugar, including fruit sugar if you have sugar

*Watch the caffeine. Don't go without it if you know
you'll have withdrawal symptoms, but don't overdo it

*Certain supplements, herbs, and medications, especially
if they affect your mood, may be disagreeing with your
system and causing you to be scattered. Ask your doctor
or health professional for alternative recommendations
or if you can do without them for a while.

*Try deep breathing rapidly in and out through your mouth
or nose for at least five minutes. Ten is better.

*Roll your closed eyes up to your third eye area, between
and just above your eyes. Keep them focused there at a
comfortable position without straining them. This position
can automatically induce an altered state.

*Alternatively, with your eyes closed, try focusing your
attention on your chest plate. If your attention starts to
wander, begin counting at 1 and imagine each number
appearing on your chest plate, as if you are painting them
with an invisible paint brush.

*Close your eyes, breathe gently, and fantasize about
your dreams and goals. What would your life be like if
your dreams came true? These fantasies will help you
become relaxed and may allow you to focus more.
Patience and practice are important. Sooner or later
something will click.

*Ask for help. If you keep asking God or your guides or
angels of the Light how you can be more successful with
meditation, you'll eventually become aware of effective
ways to go deeper and focus better. You'll be a pro in no

*If you're still having trouble perceiving anything, jump
start the process by using your imagination. Tell yourself
you'll perceive the first image, thought, or feeling, in
response to any of the questions or instructions in the
script, on the count of three. Then count one, two, three
and provide a picture or thought from your imagination
or memory. Continue this process until other images that
feel more related to the issue you are exploring start
filtering into your mind.

*If you have tried everything and you still can't seem gain
any insight, there may be two other reasons: First, your
expectations may be interfering. You may be expecting to
see something when you might be more successful perceiving
in a different way, such as sound or feeling. Try not to think
during the process. Stay open and try visualizing white light
around you. Second, you may be blocked emotionally,
mentally, or spiritually. Keep asking for help, continue
practicing while utilizing the white light, and stay open
for clues.

*It will also help you to realize that meditation is best
approached as a long-term discipline, one that offers
invaluable benefits for those willing to commit to it.

Copyright © 2007 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

1 comment:

Scott Petullo said...

Dear Blogger,

Better to avoid cutting off the brief bios of the authors which include the following links:

Scott Petullo