Tuesday, June 5, 2007

How To Stay Fit Without Getting Bored

The biggest problem when it comes to losing weight, dieting and exercising is getting bored. Getting bored is actually the number one reason why the majority of keep fit regimes fail. Doing the same thing day out and day in does and invariably will get boring there is no changing that fact - the only thing you can change is your routine of exercise to ensure that you don't get bored.

Luckily when it comes to exercising there are a wide variety of options you have for a plan of action. This means there is no reason for failure as there is no excuse for getting bored. Here are some of the top ways that you can get fit and healthy without getting into a rut.

Swimming is one of the best forms of exercise that you can have, this can be something as simple as doing a few slow laps alone or doing a more vigorous swim by having someone time you how many laps you can do within an hour. Swimming is good for all of the joints and muscles in your body and so is an all-round excellent form of exercise. It can be undertaken by anyone and is especially beneficial for those who suffer from chest problems such as asthma and breathing difficulties. It can also be done by the elderly, pregnant women and those suffering from back or neck pain quite safely.

Walking is another form of exercise which can be done by anyone quite safely and can vary in pace. A brisk power walk will get the blood flowing throughout the body and is excellent for the cardio-vascular system and the heart and lungs. Walking steadily is just as good a form and one that is excellent for the muscles in the legs, thighs and buttocks. Walking can be done alone or you can make it a family affair and get the whole family involved and on their way to being fitter and healthier.

If you find that exercising alone is boring and you need some company then join a gym, gyms vary so make sure you check out two or three and see what they have to offer and if they offer any special reductions or activities that you are particularly interested in. most gyms have beginners classes and here you won't feel as left out as joining and exercising with those that are trim and slim.

Another option for those who want to try something a little different is to take up yoga or tai-chi there are many classes on both subjects and it's just a matter of finding a beginner class in your area. Yoga is particularly effective as exercise for the whole body and mind and is one of the most relaxing of all forms of exercise. Tai-chi is a little on the slower side and relies on slow movement, so is of use for those who are older or those who suffer from illnesses such as arthritis.

The most important thing to not getting bored is all about a mixture; don't get stuck with just one form of exercise but do something different throughout the week. One day go swimming, the next walking or cycling and the next go to a yoga class, mix it up a bit and don't fall into the trap of boredom.

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