Monday, July 2, 2007

How To Save The Environment By Getting A Six Pack

People want to lose weight but just can't find the motivation to get it done.

You hear "I want to". You hear "I should". You know what would be really nice to hear? How about "The reality I live in is directly affected by the actions I take every day". This applies not only to your body but also the collective body of humanity we call earth. What if I told you that if you didn't walk to work you would be contributing to the end of life as we know it on earth inside the next 50 years? Would that get you motivated to start taking care of yourself? I thought so and here is the explanation so I don't come off as a personal trainer/ environmental crackpot.

If you walked 10 miles in a week instead of driving you would eliminate 500 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions from getting into the environment and speeding up global warming every single year. Those 10 miles of walking would also burn 1000 calories for the average 160 pound person walking at a moderate pace. If you weigh more, then you burn more fat. That's the great news. This is because the extra weight requires extra energy to move it. Kind of like an SUV burning more gas then a Mini.

By walking those 10 miles a week you will lose 1.3 pounds of fat a month by doing absolutely nothing else. Now this is very conservative. For me it is a 6 mile walk to work and then home. I work 5 days a week. It takes me about 30 minutes to get to work if I do a little jog in there.

Lets look at the week totals then in my case. 5 days per week times 6 miles equals 30 miles walked per week. Those 30 miles per week burned 3.9 pounds of fat each and every month without even watching my diet. Can you imagine if your walking turned into running, as you got fit? You would be in shape in no time!

Now take it a step further. Become a personal trainer, walk to work with someone else, double the saved carbon dioxide emissions and get paid $80/ hour while you are at it. Just hypothetically speaking of course. People often say that it's easy to be fit when you are a personal trainer for a living. I tell them they are right. I've made fitness a part of my life and so can you. You just have to think like a kid and be creative. The way you used to be before the mainstream got a hold of you is the way you are supposed to be. Free and following your inner voice. Do what you want, its usually the right choice.

What about the time constraints? That's six hours of walking every week! So what. What else were you going to do? Watch TV? Work longer? Keep wasting time with coffee pot seminars? Forget about the time, the real question is; "Are you serious about losing weight?" Maybe you just want to save the environment. Would you rather drive to the gym, burn some gas and then bounce away on the treadmill staring at the wall in front of you? Or would you rather listen to the birds, de-stress from your day so you don't yell at your kids and save the environment at the same time?

Back to saving the world by getting a six-pack. In the above case we have saved the world by stopping 1500 pounds of carbon dioxide from getting into the environment. Great, so what difference does that make? It makes a big difference to the polar bears and people of New York. If we don't do something different, more than a million species worldwide could be driven to extinction by 2050. It's hard to believe but a ton of those little critters are already heading towards the poles because of the rising earth temperature. The polar bears will start drowning because there is nowhere to get a leg up! If we don't change SOMETHING the 9/11 memorial and a good portion of Manhattan will be under water when the ice caps melt away. Maybe that doesn't seem serious to you. Maybe it really isn't a big deal. Maybe, just maybe this whole global warming this is a big fat lie. This could all just be the natural ebb and flow cycle of the earth. Just a big "breathe in breathe" out of the big momma.

If in fact the earth is fine and everything we are doing with chemicals, carbon dioxide, toxic waste and forest burning is having absolutely no effect on the environment then no problem! If that's the case then my response is "Go walk to work. Its good for you and it burns fat."

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